Friday, April 2, 2021

Man In Privet With Razorbacks-Steven "Red Mud" Chandler

I don't know when the "Red Mud" moniker started sticking, but it is certainly now firmly stuck.
This old farmer here in this painting looks like he's been chased up a tree a time or two. He's taken the opportunity to get a much needed siesta. I just hope he doesn't fall out of that privet before the hogs lose interest.
I can honestly say I have had to run up a tree because of a wild hog or two. In rural California where I lived decades ago, I hunted a good bit, mostly dove, quail and duck, oh and rattlesnakes, but that's another story. If I knocked a bird down in a jungle slough, you would risk your life trying to get it. The first thing you had to do was take a big whiff. Once you knew the smell, you knew the hogs were there. Now if it was a big sow with piglets, you wouldn't have time to breath. Nothing funnier than seeing a man hauling butt out of a slough with chest waders on.
We have the hogs here in Georgia too. They come up in our back sometimes and root around and make a damn mess. I keep my Remington at the ready though. I think the hogs know it and have stayed clear for a while now.